Educator of the Year Award

Each year the Joplin Area Catholic School system recognizes an educator within our schools who:

  • is a full-time, certified teacher and has completed a minimum of two years teaching in JACS.

  • exhibits the ability to form positive relationships with students, parents, and staff.

  • goes above and beyond in inspiring students to learn, always emphasizing our mission of developing faith-filled disciples

  • continually seeks professional development to enhance and improve teaching

  • has the respect and admiration of students, parents, and colleagues.

Upon receiving nominations, the JACS Advisory Board selects the winner, who is announced at the all-schools mass during Catholic Schools’ Week. We are pleased to share our Educator of the Year winners with you.

Educator of the Year Winners

2023-2024: Lorrie Hibbs-Estrada | Mike Howard

2022-2023: Mary Ann Turk ('69) | Darbi Stancell

2021-2022: Annette Taylor (’88) | Drew Fethers (’97)

2020-2021: Emily Lone (’99) | Heidi Gardner

2019-2020: Amanda Walker

2018-2019: Debi Staton

2017-2018: Margie Black

Nominations are typically in October with the deadline in December. Contact to obtain a nomination form.