In February, St. Mary's 3rd and 4th graders participated in the annual George Washington Carver Art and Essay Contest. The contest celebrates Black History Month and encourages students' creativity through essay writing and creating original artwork. This year's theme was Education, and our students created essays and artwork based on a 1896 letter that George Washington Carver wrote to Booker T. Washington: “…education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom to our people."

We are so excited to share the St. Mary's winners (listed below) of the George Washington Carver Art and Essay Contest. Congratulations to our students. Join us, our students, and community members for the Awards Ceremony on Saturday, April 6 at 2 p.m. at the George Washington Carver National Monument.

Congratulations to all our students who participated, especially our award winners.

Grade 4

3D Art Individual Category
1st Madison H.
2nd Grace D.
3rd Max LB.

3D Art Honorable Mention

Wyatt R.
Oliver H.

Grade 3
3rd Hudson M.

Essay Honorable Mention
Nico Z.
Oliver M.
Logan P.

3D Group Art Group Category

1st Jane R., Logan P., Kalleigh K.

2nd Henry C., Hudson M., Everett G.

GWC 4thGWC 3rd